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動画 / みんなの口コミレビュー

悶絶レズファイト001 愛里るいvs佐久間恵美





町おこしにまつわるさまざまなシチュエーションで女優さんたちが壊れていくのは新鮮でした。 藤木紗英さんの寄り目がすごく綺麗で楽しめましたし、 園田かのこさんの動物化が非常にクオリティが高くて興奮しました。術師さんも美人で◎。 今回のような設定は他の女優さんでも見たいので、シリーズ化してほしいです。






らぶさんの薄ら笑みを浮かべながらの白目・舌出しの表情が最高です。 特に後半の「変態Mオジサンパフォーマンス」「変態レズパフォーマンス」のシーンですね。 可愛い女の子がここまでエグい表情をしながら気持ち悪い&情けないことをできるのが興奮します。 らぶさんがどんどんエスカレートして壊れていく様が楽しめます。

ヒプノスタイル5 ~ピュア硬直SP~


とにかく香苗レノンさんの変顔が良いですね。寄り目、変な口、表情筋も豊かです。 竹内真琴さんの方は少し物足りない印象がありましたが、お顔が可愛いので興奮しました。 香苗さんがエグい表情をしながら硬直している様は、他のAVでは見られないかと思います。

アブノーマル・エクスタシー2 ~首絞め・窒息レズビアンの生態~





香椎さんは、失神するときに、より目になるようで、なんどもそのシーンがありとても面白かった。 一方で、粘着の暗示などの新しい試みもあったが、床や相手に顔をくっつけてしまったため、それぞれどのような表情になっていたかわからず、残念。催眠作品は表情が一番大事であると思っているので次回作に期待。



お二人とも表情がとても豊かで良いですね。情けない姿がたくさん楽しめました。 元々がかなり美人なお二人ですが、その表情や仕草が崩壊していく様に興奮します。 個人的に香椎さんの鼻を摘まれてからのとろーんとした寄り目の表情は特にグッときます。 同シリーズは色々と拝見していますが普通のAVでは見られない表情やマニアックな暗示、どれも見ていて飽きないですね。



トラウマアートらしからず、絡みや上裸のシーンが多かった。 ただ、その分他の作品のようなマニアックさがあまり感じられなかった。個人的には白目を目当てに購入しているところがあるので、もっと沢山白目催眠を取り入れて欲しかった。 とは言え、それなりに白目のシーンもあり、且つ一般的なエロ要素もあったので、バランスの取れた作品だと思う。




ヒプノパニッシュメント ~極悪恐喝美女を催眠制裁~



ヒプノスポーツ ~バドミントン選手編~

Submissive Models Caught in an Odd Plot

I love how both of these models are very submissive and suggestible, but the story of this shoot and some of the things that the models were doing were sort of silly. I obviously came across this video because of the hypnosis versus the badminton theme, but I feel that the models could have been hypnotized to do more sensual deeds to themselves and each other. Still a great shoot though.

就活女子大生催眠会社説明会 催眠レクリエーション6

Not Too Good, but Not Too Bad

I liked this video since the models were quite suggestible under hypnosis. However, in my opinion, there wasn't much nudity and the models weren't too attractive. I'm sure there are probably people out there who would enjoy this video, but I wouldn't recommend this to everyone like I might with lots of other Hypno Art videos. For me, this was just alright, but I'm still glad to have seen it.



内容は良かったです。しかし首締めは2回、そのうち軽めの失神?は1回。あとは全部鼻舐め。 2人とも可愛いし楽しそうにやってて体もセクシーで、内容としてはソフトですが見やすくてエロさもちゃんとありました。しかし悪く言えば、首締めはほぼ無くて、鼻舐めも先っぽを少しペロペロしてる程度で、全体的にソフトすぎる。物足りなさを感じる人は多いかも あと3カメラから撮っていて同じ内容を別角度から3回繰り返します。なので実質の内容時間は10分ちょい程度。その割には値段が高いと感じます。。





Announcement: Amazing Shoot!

This video has so much to offer! I'm not a fan of the diapers, but there was a lot more nudity during this video than in a lot of other Trauma Art videos, so I thought that this shoot was amazing. These models may not be the sexiest women on Earth, but they were certainly sexy enough for me, so I can't give this video anything less than 5 stars. I'd definitely recommend this one to everyone! Great stuff!!

催眠心理療法 ~困った女性たち 夢遊&失神~

Highly Recommended to Everyone

Shizuka Chatan is one of my favorite models of all time. She's very submissive and reacts to hypnosis so well every time. Ryo Imai was a great choice to be in this video as well. Both of them responded very well to hypnosis. In fact, I'd say that they were hypnotized so well that this has got to be one of my favorite shoots of all time. If you're reading this review right now, that means you must be contemplating on buying this video, so go buy it right now! I can guarantee that you won't be disappointed. I surely was not. What a wonderful video! 6 out of 5 stars!!

催眠女子会 ~女性だけの究極催眠遊戯~

Good, but Could Have Been Better

As the title of my review suggests, I liked this shoot since both models were very submissive and easy to hypnotize, but their suggestibility was not used to the best of the hypnotist's abilities. They responded very well to every suggestion, but they were only instructed to strip down to their underwear. It's possible that the models didn't want to strip down more than that, but it would have made for a much better video and I would have rated it 5 stars instead of 4. There were lots of other things that could have been done because of how easily hypnotized they were, but all in all, it was still a good shoot.

実況パワフル 催眠アナウンサー4

A Good Shoot, Just Not for Me

I thought I'd try this video to see how I would like it. I'm not a fan of the diapers and pacifiers, but the two models were still very submissive and deeply hypnotized. Anyone who is a fan of those and who doesn't mind skinny models will definitely like this video. I'm glad I gave it a shot, but I would only recommend this shoot if it's down your alley. It's not bad, it's just not for me.

美人新入社員 催眠レクリエーション8

50 out of 5 Stars

Not only were the models very submissive and easily hypnotized (which would have warranted 5 stars already with all of the nudity), but both models in this shoot are drop-dead gorgeous. I mean, how can you go wrong when both models have amazing tits on top of being so suggestible? It's hard for me to imagine how this shoot could have been better. Even if you don't love hypnosis, I bet these two models will make you love it by the end of the video. I'd love to see them again! Bring them back for more!!

変人観察バラエティー 催眠モニタリング2

Yamanaka Misa for the Win!

Yamanaka Misa is so sexy and perfect for hypnosis shoots like this! Don't get me wrong, Natsuki Yokoyama was great, but Yamanaka Misa is the main reason I'm giving this shoot 5 stars. I'd love to see her in more Trauma Art videos! Please bring her back for more!! The story in this shoot wasn't too great, and there were definitely things I wish that would have gone differently to make the whole shoot much better, but I've still got to give this 5 stars. If you're thinking about buying it, then buy it already!



素人の女友達同士で、終始仲良さそうにイチャレズしてるような雰囲気が良いです。 ガチのチョークスイーパーをかけた後に、「ごめんね、頑張ったね」と言った感じでイチャイチャ濃厚レズキス。 イチャイチャ→首絞め(寸止め)→濃厚レズキス→イチャイチャ→…と延々と続きます。繰り返しながらピュアでえっちな感じなので、見てて飽きませんでした。 一度、きょうかちゃんが絞め上げた所で、あきなちゃんが完全失神。よく見ると手も痙攣してます。ガチ堕ちが見られるのもこのレーベルのいい所です。(失神は一度だけ) 作品として短く、割高感は少しありますが、レズも首絞めもガチな作品でした。失神・痙攣の回数を期待する方には同じレーベルの別の作品もおすすめです。

【レズ首絞め 凄まじい痙攣失神】夏南ちゃんを何度も絞め落とすあいちゃん。ガチで失神して初めての経験で何がなんだか把握できていない夏南ちゃん。


他のメーカーにはない、ガチの絞め落としを撮影しています。(その分値段が高いです。) 主に絞め落とされる夏南さんは、ぽっちゃりとして素人っぽく可愛らしい雰囲気です。そこがリアルです。このメーカーでは珍しく、半裸で絞め落とされてます。 フェチな作品なので、需要の関係でどうしてもお値段、高くなってしまうようです。さらに3つのカメラからの映像を3回続けて編集した作品ですのでプレイ時間としても短いです。 それでも、レズな雰囲気でガチ堕ち・顔が紫・失神・痙攣している映像は唯一無二ですので、お財布が許せば、、、とてもおすすめな作品です。


Odd Narrative with Sexy Models

All of the musical instruments and musical references tied into hypnosis seemed quite silly throughout the video, but both models were attractive and perfect for hypnosis. They seemed to take on all suggestions very well, no matter how silly, so I definitely have to give it 4 stars. I wouldn't recommend this video to everyone who loves hypnosis, but definitely anyone who loves hypnosis and music.


Highly Recommended

Both of the models in this shoot are incredibly sexy and easily hypnotized. They seemed to respond very well to the muscle stiffness just like they did with every other suggestion, but muscle stiffness/freezing is one of my favorite things to see, so I'd highly recommend this video if it's also one of your favorite things to see in a hypnosis video.

催眠崩壊開発 ~恥ずかし過ぎる働く女性たち~

Not Amazing, but Definitely Good

One of the models in this video did not appear to be very deep in trance. However, the other model seemed to be very entranced. I would have loved to see a lot more mindless moments and more freezing with the unfrozen model playing with the frozen one, but it was still a great shoot with two beautiful and hypnotized girls, so I would still recommend it to anyone.

ヒプノスタイル6 ~人橋硬直SP~

Wonderful Stiff Hypnosis

The two models in this shoot were both very submissive and were perfect for rigidity hypnosis. I would highly recommend this video to anyone who loves to watch models who are able to go very deep in trance for things like muscle stiffness and freeze posing. I would have liked to see more of the models interacting with each other, but I still have to give this 5 stars.

ヒプノスタイル6 ~人橋硬直SP~

