

全11件中 1-11件を表示中
動画 / みんなの口コミレビュー


Announcement: Amazing Shoot!

This video has so much to offer! I'm not a fan of the diapers, but there was a lot more nudity during this video than in a lot of other Trauma Art videos, so I thought that this shoot was amazing. These models may not be the sexiest women on Earth, but they were certainly sexy enough for me, so I can't give this video anything less than 5 stars. I'd definitely recommend this one to everyone! Great stuff!!

実況パワフル 催眠放送局

Great Shoot from Every Angle

The models in this shoot were so submissive and very attractive. I loved seeing them while they were helplessly mindless to any suggestion they were given. I'd have to recommend this shoot to anyone who loves hypnosis as much as I do. This is definitely one of my favorite videos from Trauma Art. If you're contemplating on buying this, you should go ahead and make the purchase. I'm sure you'll be happy. Wonderful video!

実況パワフル 催眠アナウンサー4

A Good Shoot, Just Not for Me

I thought I'd try this video to see how I would like it. I'm not a fan of the diapers and pacifiers, but the two models were still very submissive and deeply hypnotized. Anyone who is a fan of those and who doesn't mind skinny models will definitely like this video. I'm glad I gave it a shot, but I would only recommend this shoot if it's down your alley. It's not bad, it's just not for me.


Highly Recommended

Both of the models in this shoot are incredibly sexy and easily hypnotized. They seemed to respond very well to the muscle stiffness just like they did with every other suggestion, but muscle stiffness/freezing is one of my favorite things to see, so I'd highly recommend this video if it's also one of your favorite things to see in a hypnosis video.

実況パワフル 催眠アナウンサー3





失神シーンは特筆すべきものがあり、催眠マニアとしては見応え十分。 ただエロ要素が無いのでそこが辛い所。R18指定の必要はないと思う。もう少しエロに特化したものを見たい。もう少し長尺でドラマ仕立てとかあるともっと引き込めると思う。 ただ黒崎さくの落ちっぷりは見事。

実況パワフル催眠アナウンサー5 ~謎の催眠セミナーに取材~


この作品で硬直や擬似スポーツ選手かかってそうで、かかってないƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ擬似男根の催眠は地味に必見( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )まさにマニアの催眠AVの追及作品がここにあります。それ相応の値段ですが、見る価値十分にある作品だと思います。催眠術師コーヒーポットのAV催眠に匹敵するマニアな作品です。

実況パワフル 催眠アナウンサー4





出演は百田まゆかさんと花穂さん。 百田さんのTSの止まり具合、めちゃくちゃいい!アンニュイな表情というか、停止感がガッツリ出た止まりっぷりでTS目当ての自分としてはかなりよかったかなと。 このシリーズは基本シュールなものテーマも多いですが、今回もシュール満載でよかったです。



出演は園田ユリア(現・北川エリカ)さんと後藤リサさん。 前から気になっていた作品だったのですが、ようやく購入し視聴しました。 二人とも被験性はバッチリ。 フリーズよし。動物化よし。変顔よし。何より定番な味覚変化でわさびチューブを大量に口に入れられても、辛く感じない後藤さんのシーンはバッチリ。 お二人とも可愛い女優さんで非常に良かったです。